Paper towels work well to a certain extent, but use the wrong one, and you could end up with tiny debris or ‘hairs’ on your windows. Not something to look forward to.
Providing the solution to this problem is a very simple answer which has been used by the older generation for years now, newspapers! There is something unique about newspapers that make them extremely efficient to use to clean car windows. In addition, they are practically free as we are utilizing old newspapers that you would want to throw away anyway.
How to we clean car windows with newspapers? Here is a step by step guide of accomplishing just that:
1) Make sure that you have a good cleaning solution with you, the average window cleaning solutions that are available in the market today would work just fine. If you are not happy with them, you could create your own by adding 1 part of alcohol and 10-12 parts of water together with a little bit of ammonia to the solution, this would work exceptionally well as a window-cleansing solution.
2) Next coat the entire surface of the window with the solution, and wipe the window clean to remove dust and pollen using a paper towel.
3) Next come the newspapers. Add water to the newspapers to make them soft, and shape them into a ball. In a circular motion, start from the edges of the windows and work on cleaning your windows until you see them really clean. If the newspaper ball gets too damp and starts to break, make a new ball and continue along the same line.
4) Finally, do not forget to perform the same for the other side of the window to obtain the best possible results. Repeat for all your windows, and you would find them all gleaming in no time.
A word of caution, while newspapers work well on glass, they do not work on plastic window tints, so if you have tints installed, avoid using newspaper on them as they might cause scratches on these window tints. In this case, use soft polishing towels that might prove to be a bit more costly, but they do the job well enough. Keep these tips in mind the next time you tackle your windows, and good luck in making them look as good as new!
How to we clean car windows with newspapers? Here is a step by step guide of accomplishing just that:
1) Make sure that you have a good cleaning solution with you, the average window cleaning solutions that are available in the market today would work just fine. If you are not happy with them, you could create your own by adding 1 part of alcohol and 10-12 parts of water together with a little bit of ammonia to the solution, this would work exceptionally well as a window-cleansing solution.
2) Next coat the entire surface of the window with the solution, and wipe the window clean to remove dust and pollen using a paper towel.
3) Next come the newspapers. Add water to the newspapers to make them soft, and shape them into a ball. In a circular motion, start from the edges of the windows and work on cleaning your windows until you see them really clean. If the newspaper ball gets too damp and starts to break, make a new ball and continue along the same line.
4) Finally, do not forget to perform the same for the other side of the window to obtain the best possible results. Repeat for all your windows, and you would find them all gleaming in no time.
A word of caution, while newspapers work well on glass, they do not work on plastic window tints, so if you have tints installed, avoid using newspaper on them as they might cause scratches on these window tints. In this case, use soft polishing towels that might prove to be a bit more costly, but they do the job well enough. Keep these tips in mind the next time you tackle your windows, and good luck in making them look as good as new!